Thursday, October 13, 2016

EXHIBITION: Nobuho Nagasaki | Liminality


October 18 - December 2, 2016

University Galleries at the University of Florida (UF) is pleased to present Nobuho Nagasawa's Liminality in University Gallery, October 18, 2016, through December 2, 2017.

Nobuho Nagasawa is an interdisciplinary artist whose projects range from sculptural installation, architectural intervention, time-based work, activism, and public art.  Her series of work with woven optical fiber is shaped by the intersection of art, science, and technology, and her interest in acoustic ecology, a discipline studying the relationship, mediated through sound, between living beings and their environment. Her interest in synaesthesia–a neurological phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory leads to experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway–has manifested in creating a series of sartorial art that expose and interact with the internal physiology of the musician’s body. Her luminescent woven optical fiber attire “Bio Lux” responds to the live bio-data of the musician’s body movements, heartbeat, and breath and spark the optical fiber into changing colors.
Nagasawa has exhibited extensively around the world, which includes; the Royal Garden of the Prague Castle (Czech Republic), Ludwig Museums (Germany, Hungary), Rufino Tamayo Museum (Mexico), Alexandria Library (Egypt), the Getty Center for the History of Art and Humanities (US). She has also been a representative of international venues; Asian Art Biennial (Bangladesh, 2002), International Book Art Exhibitions (Egypt, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2016), Sharjah Biennial (United Arab Emirates, 2003), Echigo-Tsumari Triennial (Japan, 2003), Sinop Biennial (Turkey, 2006), Fukushima Biennial (2012, 2014) and Setouchi Triennial (2013, 2016). Among her many honors, Nagasawa has been the recipient of DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), Berlin State Grant, Rockefeller Grant, California Arts Council Fellowships Award, Brody Arts Fund, and several Japan Foundation Grants. In New York, she was a recipient of the Marie Walsh Sharpe Foundation’s Space Program, Established Artist Fellowship, and Chancellors Award for Excellence in Research and Creativity from the State University of New York, and presented at TED Talk in 2013.