About UF Drawing + Painting


Students in the drawing program work from a variety of perceptual, conceptual, procedural, imaginary and theoretical models. Emphasis is placed on the investigation of drawing as a media in which to create strong statements of personal expression. Through practice and the development of research and studio skills, as well as the study of histories, theories and practices of their discipline, students develop a studio practice where the making of drawings is deeply embedded and informed by the ideas behind them. Through a range of drawing courses students hone their individual voice and vision and construct their visual language. More information here.


The painting program acts to provide students with basic painting concepts taught in inspiring ways, to expose students to the range and multiplicity of ideas that generate contemporary approaches to painting, to stimulate a full understanding of those concepts and to challenge students to develop a personal vocabulary of painterly forms and create a store of visual ideas relating to their own lives and experiences. More information here.