Friday, October 21, 2016

352 WALLS SERIES: Andrew Pisacane aka Gaia

Artist Schedule

Date: Tuesday, October 25th 
Activity: Panel discussion on Gaia’s Gainesville mural titled What Are the Aesthetics of Reinvestment.  Panelists include: Lenny Correa (aka LunarNewYear), artist, teacher, activist and curator; Faye Williams, local activist, organizer and scholar; Monica Compana, artist, curator and founder of Living Walls Atlanta; Mia Loving, curator and founder of Invisible Majority.
Where:  Civic Media Center, 433 S Main St, GNV 
When: 6 pm- 8 pm followed by a reception with GAIA
Use reference code: Gaia panel- 10/25
Date: Wednesday, October 26th
Activity: Lecture on the history of Urban/Street Art and Gaia’s personal artistic experiences.
Where: University of Florida, Fine Arts Building, Room 105
When: 6 pm-7 pm followed by Q & A
Date: Thursday, October 27th
Activity: Workshop #1 will cover topics such as scaling up, airbrush painting, spray paint, the performative aspect of mural painting, working within and with the community, and more.
Where: @ the 706 artist wall, Leonardo’s 706, 706 W. University Avenue, GNV
When: noon- 2 pm weather permitting
Use reference code: Gaia workshop #1- 10/27
Date: Friday, October 28th 
Activity: Workshop #2 participants will design and create a mural applying the various techniques taught by the artist.
Where: @ the 706 artist wall, Leonardo’s 706, 706 W. University Avenue, GNV
When: noon -2 pm weather permitting
Use reference code: Gaia workshop #2- 10/28