Thursday, September 29, 2016


Artist Talk 
September 29, 2016 at 6pm, Music Building Room 101 (MUB 101)
Free and open to the public

Anoka Faruqee earned her M.F.A. from the Tyler School of Art in 1987 and her B.A., Painting from Yale University in 1994. Faruqee is an alumna of the Whitney Independent Study Program as well as residencies at the Skowhegan School of Art and the PS1 National Studio Program. Her grants include the Pollock Krasner Foundation and Artadia. Faruqee is director of graduate studies in painting/printmaking at Yale School of Art. Faruqee’s work has been exhibited in the US and abroad at venues including: MoMA/PS1, Queens, NY; Albright-Knox Gallery, Buffalo, NY; the Schneider Museum of Art, Ashland, OR; and Björkholmen Gallery, Stockholm, among others. Faruqee recently curated the major exhibition Search Versus Re-Search: Josef Albers, Artist and Educator, and directed a short film about Albersâ art and teaching, for the Yale School of Art 32 Edgewood Gallery. She is represented by Koenig & Clinton gallery in New York, and Hosfelt Gallery in San Francisco. Faruqee lives and works in New Haven, CT.