Thursday, November 17, 2016

ALUMNI EXHIBITION: Marilyn Minter | Pretty/Dirty

November 4, 2016 - April 2, 2017 at the Brooklyn Museum, NY
Free and open to the public

Marilyn Minter’s sensual paintings, photographs, and videos vividly explore complex and contradictory emotions around beauty and the feminine body in American culture. She trains a critical eye on the power of desire, questioning the fashion industry’s commercialization of sex and the body. Marilyn Minter: Pretty/Dirty is the first retrospective of her work.
Spanning more than four decades, the exhibition begins with the artist’s earliest artworks, from 1969 through 1986, including rarely exhibited photographs as well as paintings incorporating photorealist and Pop art techniques. It continues with works from the late 1980s and 1990s that examine visual pleasure in visceral depictions of food and sex. The exhibition culminates in Minter’s ongoing investigation of how the beauty industry expertly creates and manipulates desire through images.

Minter graduated with her BFA at the University in 1970.

Click here for more information.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


November 18, 2016 at 6pm, WARPhaus Gallery
Free and open to the public

Working Together is an art show curated by Sue Montoya and Almaz Wilson featuring the work of several female artists of color who are currently enrolled Master's program at the University of Florida’s School of Art and Art History. This show provides artists working in various mediums with an opportunity to engage in a space of collective support and participate in creative dialogue with one another.

Works by:

Gia Del Pino
Sandra de la Rosa
Setareh Ghoreishi
Brielle Jenkins
Bahareh Karamifar
Sue Montoya
Ashley Ortiz-Diaz
Almaz Wilson

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Artist Talk
November 17, 2016 at 6pm, Fine Arts Building B, Room 105
Free and open to the public

Doug Ashford is an artist, teacher and writer based in New York. He is Associate Professor at The Cooper Union where he has taught sculpture, design, and interdisciplinary studies since 1989. Ashford’s principle visual practice from 1982 to 1996 was the multi-form practice of Group Material, whose work has been recently compiled in the book Show and Tell: A Chronicle of Group Material (Four Corners Books, 2010). Since 1996 he has continued to produce paintings, essays and collaborative projects that engage sociality withartistic form. His most recent public effort ended in the project Who Cares (Creative Time, 2006), a book built from a series of conversations between Ashford and other cultural practitioners on public expression, ethics, and beauty. Recent exhibitions of his paintings include “Abstract Possible”, Tensta Konsthall and other locations (2010-12), dOCUMENTA 13, Kassel (2012) and Future Light, part of the Vienna Biennale 2015. A collection of essays, Doug Ashford: Writings and Conversation, (Mousse Publishing, 2013), was published on the occasion of his retrospective exhibition at the Grazer Kunstverein in 2013. He is represented by Wilfried Lentz Rotterdam. 


November 9, 2016 at 7pm, WARPhaus Gallery
Free and open to the public

Featuring UF Undergraduate Drawing Seniors.

352 WALLS SERIES: Brian Adam Douglas aka Elbow Toe

Artist Schedule

Activity: Mural painting
Where: to be determined by the artist
When: daily from November 14th to November 20th from 10 am - 6 pm, weather permitting
Date: Friday, November 18th  
Activity: Wheat pasting master class includes discussions on the approach, techniques and materials. Participants will work with the artist to create a small mural. 
Where: to be determined by the artist
When: from 10 am- 1 pm and from 2 pm- 5 pm, weather permitting
Use reference code: tbd

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Artist Talk
November 10, 2016 at 6pm, Fine Arts Building C, Room 201
Free and open to the public

Tanya teaches painting and drawing at the University of Kansas where she is an Associate Professor in the Department of Visual Art. Her critical writing on art has appeared in The Kansas City Star, Temporary Art Review, and Ceramics Art and Perception Magazine as well as in numerous catalogs. Educated at The Rhode Island School of Design and Yale University, Hartman was a Fulbright Scholar in Stockholm, Sweden.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

OPPORTUNITY: Entries open for FACC Juried Arts Exhibition 2016-2017

UF Fine Arts College Council Juried Arts Exhibition
Accepting Entries: November 1, 2016 - December 16, 2016

This exhibition, coordinated by the University of Florida Fine Arts College Council and staged in the University Gallery, includes graduate and undergraduate student works selected by outside jurors. The exhibition functions as an experiential learning opportunity for the students of the College of Fine Arts, encouraging students to develop a professional practice and allowing the larger community to enjoy the students’ hard work.

Click here for more information and to apply!

Deadline for Submissions
Fri Dec 16, 2017, 5pm 

Notification (email sent to all students)
by Fri Jan 6, 2017 by 5PM

Exhibition Dates at University Gallery
Fri Feb 24 to Thur Mar 2, 2017 

Opening Reception and Award Ceremony
Fri Feb 24, 2017 from 5-9PM
Awards announced at 7PM